Monday, November 20, 2006


And no one posts on this blog any more.... No one will read this post. So, goodbye ORSIL blog. It was nice knowing you.

If any of you want to email me, my email is


Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Just wanted to let you all know what's going on in Bekah's life. :-) I am still working at Starbucks... I come home every day smelling like mocha syrup and coffe. :-) :-P I plan to move to Portland in early January. I would appreciate your prayers as the search continues for a job, an apartment, and a car.

This transition from Sacramento to Portland will be interesting... I have lived away from my parents for extended periods of time (college, dinner theater); however, I have never officially "moved out." I definitely sense God's call to Portland, and I trust Him to carry me through this transition.

I miss you all... Take care and God bless!


Friday, October 13, 2006

The Lowes

Hi everyone! Things our end are running smoothly. Dave just got hired on as college co-pastor. Yeah! I'm heading towards my 9th month of pregnancy (they moved the due date up to Thanksgiving, not a Christmas baby anymore). And we just sent our first newsletter out, Finally! Some of you might remember we were trying to get it out during ORSIL. What were we thinking? Dave's mom started chemo, finished radiation, and is still stumbing over the Diety of Christ. So you know how to pray. Thanks


Friday, September 29, 2006

Assignment in Peru

Hi all! Here's the link to my blog about Peru. (Click here.) I also have a "daily blog" (that's not daily) which you can reach as a link off that page.

I'm getting ready to leave at any time now. I'm busy packing, learning Spanish and dictionary-making, and saying goodbyes. I'll wait for the official "go", which will come from my home church & Wycliffe Associates as we look at where my support level is in early October.

May you know God's nearness and AWEsomeness today,

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Well, this blog is a good idea. I don't have much to say - heading back to school next week, &c. I did find out that I know your cousin's girlfriend, Zack . . . small world.

Missing everyone...

Dear ORSIL people,

I miss you! I miss going to Prince Puckler's with you, playing volleyball with you (and screaming at the ball with you :-) ), eating dinner with you, going to church with you...laughing at breakfast with you, playing music with you. I have fond memories of ORSIL....

God bless,

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Hey there!

Just a note to say hi... this is Bekah Simpson (I am frasergirl). That sounds imposing, doesn't it? Just got off a crazy shift at Starbucks...mocha syrup everywhere. I miss you all...check out my xanga blog at for more news.

Greek, Hebrew, and Rebekah

These three words might describe what occupies my time these days...


Saturday, August 26, 2006

Hey, somebody say something

Hey guys, is anyone out there? I think this is one of my favorite pix from the student CD. For the record, I actually landed a large amount of water somewhere on Dave Beine on Saturday afternoon, but too many people had left, so I don't have many witnesses to back me up. My minor victory was of course soon overshadowed by retaliation: being drenched by Herr Director a few minutes later.